
Top 10 Series I: Greatest North Americans of all Time
Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2020-07-20 07:39:30 Read times: 19862

Date: 2020-07-20 07:39:30
Edited: 2020-07-20 07:40:47
Original post: -americans-of-all-time-player-rankings

As we are only minutes away from crowning the Season 21 MKL Champions, I'm going to be introducing a

Series of Top 10's.

July 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Greatest North Americans of All-Time Player Rankings (Tonight) + Top 10 Current Rankings (Tonight)
Aug 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Influential People on Kiekko of All-Time
Sept 19th, 2020 - Top 10 (This category will be decided on by the community in an upcoming poll)
Oct 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Best Leaders (GM's) of All-Time
Nov 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Disprutive Players of All-Time (Toxic, Negative behaviour)
Dec 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Respected Players of All-Time
Jan 19th, 2021 - Top 10 (This category will be decided on by the community in an upcoming poll)

Each category we'll be going in-depth and providing critical and informational analysis on the history of our beloved game, Kiekko.
To kickstart the series, we've decided to start with the most controversial topic of them all, Greatest North Americans of All-Time.

Goodluck to tonight's Major Kiekko League Season 21 Finalists!
York Sharpshooters lead by Dale & Roman Empire lead by Sumit (Rise!)
York is currently leading the series 2-0, with Game 3 currently entering into the 2nd period, score 0-0. Still anyone's championship for the taking.

DISCLAIMER: This is judged based on:
Overall public perception (somewhat a general consensus), what each player did over a time-frame of a least a few years (modern Kiekko only accounts for 3 months for example, there's been 9+ years of active Kiekko from 2006-2020+), team and league accomplishments, and player's individual ability.

Greatest North Americans of All-Time Player Rankings

(GNA'sOAT): 2005-2020

#1 - Razorback / Sean

Let's get the most obvious #1 out of the way.

No one has ever dominated an online game, or even a sport, the way he has. Maybe not even a board game. Let me explain.
When you consider that any season he's played more than half of the team's games in he's won MVP (11 for 11), there's no comparison in any other game, sport, or field. He has made every single Finals of the seasons he's competed in. Let me repeat.. Every. Single. One. Don't believe me? Go look it up.
His career PPG is double that of the 2nd-10th leading scorers of all-time... think about that for a second. He averages over 2 goals a game, the next highest averages are in the 0.9-1.05 range (7-9 different players). Again, double. A class and field of his own.
Every season he's made 1st Team All-MKL (11x) has won MVP (11x), won every statistical award possible (10x Most Goals, 9x Most Points), 7x Selke, 7x Playoff Leading Scorer. His teams have always finished 1st (9x President's Trophy) with near perfect/undefeated team records, things that will never be done again.
It's just remarkable. And he's only played in 11-12 MKL Seasons. Do the math of how often he accomplishes these feats. The answer is almost 100% of the time.
And for these reasons (and crazily enough, for even more reasons than this), he's undeniably viewed as a God on this server and game (and for the most part, as Soldier on the Finnish Server). He's gone from most hated (Season 1-5, circa 2006-2010, he was a huge hot head and caused tons of drama and unnecessary chaos), to most feared (Season 10-15 circa 2013), to most respected and universally revered (Season 15-19).
He's simply just the GOAT of all GOAT's from any other game or sport known to mankind. The greatest gamer of all-time. You know it, I know it, and you can bet he certainly knows it. In 20+ Years when we are all in our 40's and 50's, not only will we remember him, we might even bring his name up at the dinner table to our families. Our kids will certainly know his name. But they won't understand. Only we will. It sounds ridiculous, but we know it's bound to happen.
I've never witnessed someone so admired or looked up to on the internet, perhaps not even outside of this game. Everyone salivating just at the chance or opportunity to play alongside him. Sometimes the level of sucking up is rather sad and embarrassing to witness, but you have to understand it.
To be honest, we should all just be grateful the GOAT of all GOAT's blessed this game, which we just happened to be a part of. No game, sport or community has or will ever see this level of dominance... over a period of 15 years, ever again.

PRIME: Absolute god-tier prime was early MKL Seasons, Season 1-5. Weren't there to see it? You wouldn't understand. Mid-MKL Seasons still #1 and super dominant.
WEAKEST: Believe it or not, it's definitely now (unless you count his first few months on the game..), he's still the best, but his lack of caring (wouldn't you if you were this untouchable for this long) + inactivity + age + etc. It doesn't seem seem or feel like he has anything left to prove to anyone. He knows no one will ever catch up to anything he's done on this game, it's actually and literally impossible. That's out of the question. We have seen him sit out playoffs and seasons (nearly half of MKL's history), he's just so disinterested. But even then.. if there ever became a *current* challenger, he'll still be the most impactful, most feared player just because of his one of a kind legacy, his mental edge and dominance over the opponent and last but not least, His name.

#2/3 - Chap / Pronger

If the guy above didn't exist, we would be having a conversation for the ages of who the new GOAT would be. It's that close.

The only player at any time during any era to legitimately challenge Razorback for the top spot. This all happened during Seasons 12-16. He was the best MID (Won 3 Ray Bourques in a row, and 4 Total) and actually TIED Soldier for an MVP. This has never been done before.
In his prime, he switched from Mid to F and lead the league in goals winning Maurice. The transition was as smooth as butter. And that was all in main part to his supreme level of confidence and belief in his own unique, once in a generation ability.
His prime consists of him making 5x All-MKL First Teams (which is 2nd All-Time). He also won 2 Rings with Alamo Long Riders and York Sharpshooters and appeared in 5 Finals total, also for Alamo (again), York (again) and Taber Corn Cobblers.
Before all that though, he was also a James Norris winner as the League's best defenseman. Never have we seen a Norris winner go on to become the leading goal scorer. This speaks volumes of his versatility.
On top of his individual accolades he also co-dominated this era both in and out of MKL. I bet you could even find a handful that would choose him over Razorback during this time period, he was that great.
Overall his prime was just too undeniable, exceptional and dominant to place him anywhere but the #2/3 slot. He could do it all. Deke, defend, score, block, backcheck, forecheck.
An absolute complete monster of a player. An autoplay warrior, and an even better competitor in the Major Kiekko League.
During Kiekko's prime years, he was at the top of all top's. You would want and trust Chap on your team and feel you were going to win or have the best chance possible, as much anyone else.
Everyone knew how remarkably great he was. And for that, he has cemented his position on Kiekko's Mount Rushmore.

Chap or iScout? iScout or Chap?
You can have your pick, because I can't make mine.

PRIME: York Sharpshooters, Alamo 2013. Seasons 12-16.
WEAKEST: Early Seasons

#2/3 - iScout / Aaron

Probably the most complete mid-defenseman to ever play North American Kiekko. Anchored the most historic Trojans seasons from the backend, and remarkably also won an MVP while playing a defensive Mid-Defense role for Alamo Long Riders, which has never been done or seen before in our League. It's unprecedented.
In 1 season alone iScout earned himself a Most Valuable Player award, Ray Bourque as the Best Mid, 1st Team All-MKL, Conn Smythe as the MVP of the Playoffs, MKL Championship.
Very impressive! Definitely one of the all-time great seasons by any individual, that would be nearly impossible to replicate.
He has made 3x All-MKL First Teams, 2x All-MKL Second Teams in total. These weren't your ordinary First Team selections though, they don't tell the whole story of Aaron's dominance when he was playing.
He inspired a whole younger generation of Defensive Kiekko'ers to play the game, the right way.
He also experienced a resounding amount of team success, as he was a 4x MKL Champion with the Atlanta Owls, Victoria Islanders, Alamo Long Riders & Trojans.
As crazy as it sounds, his true dominance was displayed in training matches and later autoplay outside of league action. You could always feel his presence in a game, and we all marvelled at his display of composure and skill as a natural defensive minded player.
He was a true force, and a sure thing to stand out as the best M/D of all-time in any game he participated in. Depending on how long Kiekko's revival lasts for, we may never see or experience a player like this again.

iScout or Chap? Chap or iScout?
You can have your pick, because I can't make mine.

PRIME: Trojans Season 12-15
WEAKEST: Early MKL Seasons

#4/5 - Sigur

Now, this is a huge OG nod for Sigur. He only played in Seasons 1 (Sarnia Sting) and Seasons 4 (New York Rangers), but made the most of these 2 seasons. Back then, D competition was fierce. But it was he that stood out and was in his own class during MKL's creation year.
This player hasn't played since Season 4 of MKL, but still lives in all of our all-time memories of original Kiekko experiences. The first true D to claim the spot as "The Best".

PRIME: Original kiekko years
WEAKEST: None, hasn't played since

#4/5 - Heater15 / Lior

Absolutely dominated his era from the backend. 3x All-MKL 1st Team (back to back to back), and 2x Norris (back to back). The epitome of what a shutdown defenseman should look like.
Didn't go for goals, didn't care if he got the assist. He had one mission and one mission only, shutting your team out. And that he did, which is why he's been on two teams with the least amount of goals allowed, and the most shutouts.
Also a 3x MKL Champion (Barrington Broncos, Tri-City Storm & then Tri-City Storm again).
Unfortunately this player hasn't played or been seen since Season 8 of MKL. What could've been..

PRIME: Seasons 2-8

#6/7 - Kyle

One of the most accomplished MKL players of all-time in the Playoffs. 2nd All-Time in Playoff Points. 6x MKL Champion. 3x Playoff Leading Scorer. 2x Conn Smythe Trophy. Who needs a regular season? He sure didn't.
This player is rated in the top 10 just based on two things alone: His playoff success, and his individual skill in his prime. He was undeniably one of the most skilled forwards of his time.
When we think of the most skilled, lethal scorers of all time, Kyle's name should always be brought up in that discussion.
Greatest American Kiekko Player of All-Time.

PRIME: Seasons 12-18
WEAKEST: Very early MKL seasons or now as his activeness has wavered since Kiekko's return.

#6/7 - Gavin

One of the highest skilled players this game has ever seen. If there was ever one player the RMB was designed for, it was this player, and it's no surprise he's took on the challenge of trying to master it. Top 4 All-Time in MKL Points and only one of only a few players over 2 PPG (and only 1 of 2 with over 100 GP).
Has made 6 All-MKL Teams, 1 of those being 1st Team.
There has never been a deadlier 2v1 than a Prime Gavin. Very unpredictable and explosive and one of the quickest, flashiest players to ever grace the ice. Whether he could have done more with this talent in competitive league is a question most of us have been wondering for some time. And still, one of the best forwards to ever grace the NA Kiekko Ice.

PRIME: During Trojans years being Soldier's go-to F (team games), and also Seasons 12-16. Very consistent throughout years.

#8 - Tylor

Kiekko's Mr. Longevity. MKL's most experienced player of all-time. Which perhaps makes him the only player to have something over the GOAT, which simply can't be ignored.
Tylor has experienced great individual success, as he's 2nd All-Time in Points and Goals and has been a staple for Team Canada in WC tournaments, Captain of World Cup II. One of the most underrated and under appreciated players of his time.
Has been to about 8 Finals, Multiple President's Trophies, 3x All-MKL First Team, 6x Combined 2nd/3rd Team for a total of 9x All-MKL Team Selections. He's been doing great things throughout Kiekko and MKL's entire history. Absolutely remarkable.
Not only has he done it on the ice, he's also won an MKL Best GM award and lead a ton of team's throughout history. 4 Seasons for Ottawa Senators, 3 Seasons for Atlanta Flames. A true veteran and pioneer of the game.

PRIME: Has been consistently good to great throughout (8+ 30 point seasons).
WEAKEST: None really, very consistent throughout. First 3 Seasons or now otherwise.

#9 - Adam

This was a very difficult player to rate and place, so I'm going to go all-in and rate very optimistically. Did he have a dominant prime? No. Did he ever stand out from the rest? No.
But he has heart. And a strong will competitively to win games for his team, whatever the cost may be. Always been the ultimate team-first guy, believing in his team and teammates that they can collectively do the job.
2x MVP to his name, 3x All-MKL First Team, all the while just entering his prime as a Top 3-5 NA Kiekko Player. He has played every season since Season 5. Very very impressive commitment to Kiekko and the League with no end in sight.
Probably one of the highest regardest humans and players of his time, it's hard for anyone to say a bad thing about this player.
It also appears the GOAT of this list has taken him under his wing in his latter years, which can only be beneficial for someone as open-minded and easygoing as Adam. The sky is the limit going forward, and I predict more MVPs and Championships in sight.
I firmly believe one day he can surpass Gavin & Kyle after doing so.

PRIME: Now. Wasn't considered a top 5 player back then but was almost near that discussion, but now he's definitely the consensus top 3-5 and in all discussions.
WEAKEST: Early MKL Seasons.

#10 - Tim / iDangle

Tim has been a very very solid player over the years. A very stable and a defensively sound player on the ice. One of the best defensive forwards of his time (5x Selke). Won't beat you with any flashes or skills, but will beat you with his sheer determination and game-planning.
Has 5 Selke trophies to his name all throughout Season 6 to 10, and the creator of one of the most respectable franchises in Tri-City Storm. Also a 2x MVP, 3x All-MKL First Team and a 4x MKL Champion.
Absolutely a fantastic close to the top 10 all-time list, and rightfully deserves it based on not just his MKL achievements, but also as being one of the best American's ever. He is also one of the games greatest leaders as he's won MKL's Best GM Award 3x. He's also been Captain of Lyon Lynx and Ottawa Senators.
But there are 2 people closing in on him and looking to push him out of the top 10. (Read on)

PRIME: TCS, Seasons 6-10.
WEAKEST: Between current day or first few seasons of MKL.

And that concludes the top 10.

Honourable mentions:
D.Babych (retired), Devin (retired)

Date: 2020-07-20 07:40:20
Two players to watch out for going forward:

#1 - Zachary

Zachary was already 1x Norris, and 2x Champion before Kiekko's revival. Since then? Back to back Norris awards, and extremely dominant while doing so.
One thing that stands out the most while compiling this? He was on that aforementioned Alamo Long Riders team, that featured 2 of the top 3 GOAT's, Chap & iScout.
Chap, iScout and Zachary were all on the same team at one period and played 15 gp together. What a defensive unit. Amazing.

If the league and Kiekko stick around for a few more years, I can see Zachary entering and climbing the charts, as long as he maintains his top player status.

PRIME: Now (9.77) + before server died.
WEAKEST: Early MKL Years or before Kiekko comeback.

#2 - Pran

Top 5 in MKL points all-time. You could also argue Pran has been a top 5 player since Season 12.
His game has always spoke for itself. All this player needs is more success competitively to begin his climb. 1x MKL Champion, 2x All-MKL 1st Team, 1x Ray Bourque.
To enter the top 10 this player will need: 2+ MVPS and a few 2.5+ PPG seasons to go along with team success.

PRIME: TTT Season 12-18 & now
WEAKEST: Early seasons

Players that were eligible for the list that have ever competed in any league in NA Kiekko (minus SPHL):
(475+ Eligible Players to be considered)

-Gal-, -Lafleur-, -recon-, .bob., .crösby., .Jeezy, .Strong., A.Kovalev, A.Peters, A.W.K.
Aada, Aaron, Aasen, Abel, AcePool, Adam, Aiden, AJ, AK46, Alan, Anthony
Alex, Alexmo89, Allen, Alvin, Alzner, Amonte, Andrew, Andy, Ankle, Anonymoos
Ariza, Armia, AvBuuren, AznKyle, B.Little, b.ward, B0bby0rr, Babcock, Babych, Backstrom
Baja, Bape, Barker, Bassi, Batman, BB, Bergeron., Bizzu, Bochen23/Caputi, Bolland, Bollig
Bouchard, Bourque77, Boyce, Boz, Brandon, Brent, Bruce, Bryzgalov, Buckeye, Bure9610
Butchko, BYOBnB, Bystrom, Canada, Captain, Caputi, Cardinals, Carlsson, Carmello, Casey
Cash, Chad, Chadley, Champion, Chap, Chris, Chronic, Cigar, Clip, Convict
Cooke, Cookiee, Corbin, Cormier, Couture., Cpear, crombeen, Cross, crösby, D.Babych
D.Sedin, Dale, Dangle, Dario, Datsyuk, Daugavins, DeF, Demo, Dennis (SandyEggo), Dennis/Colbath
Denzel, Devin, Dim, Dino, Don, Drew, Dubois, Duchesne, Dumba, Dvorak
dynamik, EazyE, Edler, Eeku, Eli, Elias, Emmerton, Ennis, Enstrom, Epic
Eric, Ericsson, Erksine / j0e, Espo, F_U_C_K, Fazal, FFS, Fierce, FinFag, Fisher
fk2001, Franson, Franzen, Frostyy, Frozen, ftw, Fubupowwe, gag, Gagne, Gaustad, Gavin
Gee, geetaryan, Geoffswag, Getzlaf15, Girooze, Godard, Golden, Gomez, Gonzalez, Gorges
Goth, GRdaBEAST, Grimaldi, Grimmick, guitaryan, Gurse, Habsrule, Hands, Hanson, Haydar
Heater15, Henderson, Holzer, holzinger, Horton, Howden, Howerchuk, HS25, Hugo, HulkHogan
Human, Hungryman, Hybrid, Iginla, iiu, Infamous, iRays, J.Benn, J.Lin, J.Oak
Jacob, Jaybird, Jeb, Jefe, Jeff, Jeffrey, jimbo, Jimmy, joefish7, johnward (Ekman)
Jokinen, Jolokia, jon, Jonathan, Jordan942, Joseph, Joseph (Skinner), Josh, Joshua, Juho
Jurgen, Justin, K-shooter, K.Cheung, Kam, Karmelo / Leonidas, Kas, Katty, Kbender, keith2, Kelly
Kent., kertokaa, Kessel, kessel.81/Schmidt, Kibar14, KILLAJ, Kinger, Kocur, Kohl, Kopitar
Kostalek , Kovychuk, Krejci, Kulemin., Kunhke, Kvasha, Kwake, Kyle, Kyler, Ladd
lagang, Laich, Lao, Latislav, Latvians, LBJesus, Leafsfan23, Legend, Leonidas, Lifw
lil2, Linden.16, Link, Little, M@gic, Machoman/Colbath, Macon, Mair, Malarchuk/Juneau, Malkin/Kohl
Marc-Andre, Marcel, Marchant, Marco, Mario, Markie, Markov, Marleau, Mars/Sniper, Matt
Maybach, McCrap, meb, Meow2, Mercer, Methot, Miamifinz, Mike, Missy, Mitch
Mitchmole, Monnet, Morin, Morris/Esposito, Mud, Mullin (Don), Munch'd, Muppeteer, musicguru, Nabzy
Naggy, Nate, Nathan, Nazarov, Nedved, NEST, NewNewDef, Nick, Nick (DRUGS), Nicto10
Niemi, Noto, Numbers, nunu, Nystrom, O'ree, Obama, OchoCinco, omyhseux, Ott
Ovekchin / AZN kyle, P.Manning/theBIGMAN, Paliotta, Palushaj/Vidalo, Parise, Parkes, Peltonen2, Perry10, petrecki, Petry
Pilote/KDurant, Pimmer, pleka, Prady, Pran, Pronger, Prucha, PUFeNUF, PwnJayden, Quinn
Quiznos, R.Fed, Rafter, Ranny, Rare, Ray-z, Rays, Razorback, Renegade6, Rice
Rob, Rockwell, Ross19, Rum., RWFAN, Ryan, Rypien, S..Crosby, Sabotka, Salope
sambu2, Sammi, Sarich, satellite, Savoia, Schexit, schmg, Scornfire, Scorpion, Scottee/Fowler.
Scyther, Selanne., Selivanov, Serge435, Setoguchi, Shakey, Shaq, shooter88, showman13, Shufflin (Jeff)
sico, Sigur, Simon, Siner, Sizemore, Skates, Slates, Slim, sn0wman, Sniper.
Solstice, Spacek / Walshy / ftw, Spades, Spencer, Spending, Spetz, Spownz, Staal, Stacey, Stoll
Strudwick, Stämkos, Stääl, Sunchi, Sundin13, Suter, SW4G, swagnasty, T-Fluery, T.Jaxon, Tranquil
T.Linden, T.Sequin, Tangradi, Tata, Teroro, theBIGMAN, TheDream, THEROCK (Bou), Thornton, Thoro
Tiffanyyy (Monnet), Tim, TimLIF, Tino, tlusty, Tom, tombrady, tomnjohn, Troy, Tuggy
Tweed, Tyler., Tylor, Ubriaco, Vanek, Versteeg, Vibin, Vidalo, Viper (Price), Volchnkov
volcom, Voynov, w-a-l-e, War, Weiss/Bouillon, Welker, Werth, Whaler, what, WhoisMe
Widdy, wideright/Wiri, Wiko, Wilson, X-A, Xavier, Yandle, -Lafleur-, Yello, Yogi
Yoho, Z-Sniper, Zachary, Zajac, Zeke, Zelda (holzinger), Zimakov, Zinc, Övechkin

Side note: Recognize any of these players and think you can reach out to them and tell them the game is back? Over 475+ of them.


Current North American Player Rankings: (as of July, 2020)

#1 Tier:

Razorback - F
He is anywhere from 2-5+ years older than most (he's like 30), plays or touches the ice only about half or a quarter of what others on this list have since we've all returned, and still maintains the illustrious #1 spot.
And the best part? I don't think he cares one bit. He knows who he is, how much he's done, and that'll never change or be taken away from him.
Zachary - D
This is one of the most dominant defensive players this game has ever seen, despite recent MKL results.
He has goals and aspirations of entering the all-time defensive greatness category, and truly believes he deserves that recognition, and rightfully so. Only time will tell.
He's closing in, he's determined, and he's ready.

#2 Tier: (Can't choose, no order).

There's a decent falloff from the above #1 tier to #2 tier, but between these four players, anyone could argue they deserve the 3rd spot, and all have their own strengths and weaknesses.

#3-6 - Adam - F - Most achieved since Kiekko comeback (MVP, Art Ross, Championship, 60 Points)
#3-6 - Josh - M - Top 50 Player Ranking, Complete player
#3-6 - Shaq - D - 2nd best D on the server
#3-6 - Pran - F - One of the best at controlling the puck, Complete player

#3 Tier: (Can't choose again, and still no order).

#7-12 - Dumba, Tylor, Jurgen, Gavin, Nate, Kyle

#4 Tier: (Same)

#13-17 - Batman, Golden, Feet, Tim, Dale etc.

Future Top 10 lists to be made and their release dates:
Aug 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Influential People on Kiekko of All-Time
Sept 19th, 2020 - Top 10 (This category will be decided on by the community in an upcoming poll)
Oct 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Best Leaders (GM's) of All-Time
Nov 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Disprutive Players of All-Time (Toxic, Negative behaviour)
Dec 19th, 2020 - Top 10 Most Respected Players of All-Time
Jan 19th, 2021 - Top 10 (This category will be decided on by the community in an upcoming poll)

Have any other suggestions for Top 10 lists?

Date: 2020-07-20 09:20:13
Edited: 2020-07-20 09:21:34
great read thank you
Taber Corn Cobblers

Date: 2020-07-20 09:20:36
good read
Tri-City Storm

Date: 2020-07-20 15:06:17

Date: 2020-07-20 20:55:24
good read 10/tim

Date: 2020-07-21 18:26:58
very nice and interesting throughout, thanks for this.

lastly, zack is a top 10 player all-time change my mind...

Date: 2020-08-03 22:00:03
forgot Gagne_
Voodoo People

Date: 2020-08-07 07:18:20
Edited: 2020-08-07 07:18:53
My Top 10 (right now)

1. Dumba
2. Daler
3. Anthony
4. Pran
5. Zachary
6. Razor
7. Adam
8/9 Jurgen
8/9 Gavin
10 oaao
Cross Fire

Date: 2020-08-08 21:33:11
Edited: 2020-08-18 07:04:42
Vardy wrote:
My Top 10 (right now)

1. Dumba
2. Daler
3. Anthony
4. Pran
5. Zachary
6. Razor
7. Adam
8/9 Jurgen
8/9 Gavin
10 oaao


Date: 2020-08-14 12:23:18
Edited: 2020-08-14 12:28:26
Gavin and Jurg should def be on that tier 2 list. Longevity + dominance for those two - the models for consistency.

I understand that MKL has had enormous impact on this list, makes sense as it's been around for long time; but it doesn't include flat out dominant players who were there right before MKL/didn't get involved much like Elias and Jacob. Both were absolutely prolific and can easily go head-to-head with many you mentioned in the top 3/5 you mentioned. Also, Goth not getting nearly enough love. During his prime he was the model defender/stay at home D and an absolute force defensively. He's without a doubt top 3 D all-time for me.

Date: 2020-08-16 20:35:48
Goth wrote:
Vardy wrote:
My Top 10 (right now)

1. Dumba
2. Daler
3. Anthony
4. Pran
5. Zachary
6. Razor
7. Adam
8/9 Jurgen
8/9 Gavin
10 oaao
11 goth

Vandy i think you fucked up, OAAO is #1 in kiekko and in our hearts

inhoan peliä, ja olen pahoillani siitä, että olet saanut niin monta maalia teille tänä vuonna pysyä turvassa

Date: 2020-08-18 04:28:49
oaao worte:

inhoan peliä, ja olen pahoillani siitä, että olet saanut niin monta maalia teille tänä vuonna pysyä turvassa

The Red Devils

Date: 2020-09-28 04:29:58
NAKL was the best!!

Date: 2021-01-04 21:24:23
1. fallis
2. Prucha
3.-> irrelevant

Date: 2022-04-02 01:01:49
Elias wrote:
NAKL was the best!!

You were the worst!!
The Red Devils

Date: 2024-06-14 21:09:16
Edited: 2024-06-17 06:55:02
Elias wrote:
NAKL was the best!!

Wanhainkodin Munkki

Date: 2024-07-10 16:48:41
Edited: 2024-11-01 16:51:46
Ak Bars Kazan

Date: 2024-09-10 02:14:55

Date: 2025-01-11 02:00:41
what ever happened to this? bruv really made a deep dive of the history and had a few more threads lined up and then just disappeared

disappointed bruv... was really hoping to see the most toxic list

also, has it been confirmed who wrote this? nonetheless, you did a good job, m8

Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2020-07-20 07:39:30 Read times: 19862