Team information

Team name:Trojans
Created:2006-09-10 01:02:02
Owner: Charizard
Statistics: Played: 2425, Wins: 1460, Draws: 161, Losses: 804
Rank.pts 2v2: 1076.70 #106
Rank.pts 3v3: 1174.50
Rank.pts 4v4: 1120.46
Rank.pts 5v5: 1000.00
Charizard  (master)   Kentrell  (admin)   Provorov  (admin)   Quant  (master)  
Avg. exp: pro
Description: Trojans - "There is nothing to prevent a Trojan from making its own entry”

• Founded by Razorback in 2006
• Longest undefeated streak: 106 games (December 31, 2007 - February 4, 2009)
• First NA team to Top 3, 10, 20 & 100, 500 & 1000 wins
• Greatest NA team of all-time
• Major Kiekko League: Season 12 Champions
• Major Kiekko League: Season 15 Champions
• Major Kiekko League: Season 16 Champions

• Best Ranking: 1645.93 (3s), 1509.41 (4s)
• 1000th Game: Trojans vs. Arsenal 4-2 2.12.2007
• 500th Win: Sienet vs. Trojans 1-5 3.7.2007
• 1000th Win: Trojans vs Sacramento Sting 12-0 3.13.2011
• 100th Draw: Trojans vs. Portland Pirates 3-3 1.28.2009

Kentrell is the best defenseman we've ever had on this team.

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Member statistics
namegoals+assists +/-
Charizard 498+448 =946 +777
Provorov 70+101 =171 +194
Kentrell 16+69 =85 +90
Quant 0+0 =0 +0