
Kiekko Hockey North America
Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2021-02-20 05:45:58 Read times: 1432

Date: 2021-02-20 05:45:58
Edited: 2021-02-22 05:57:19
Kiekko Hockey North America
  Season 1 (Test Launch)

-15 Game season
-Team name must be original and not taken from other Kiekko Team.
-Team Owners can only play for their team.
-No alternate Nicknames, you must sign up the account you will play with
-You cannot switch any teams without notifying the commissioner and both team owners.
-You can only switch teams 1 time per season.
- Team Roster limit is 6, 4 main players, 2 substitutes
-Team Owner MUST invite the players who are drafted into their team in order for them to be fully registered into the team.
-Gameday schedules are strict, meaning if your team fails to show up on time or 25 minutes pass game time. The other team will be given the 2 points.
If Both Teams fail to show up, Game will be rescheduled or Cancelled if failed to show up twice for the same game.
-You can only be on a single team
-Games every weekend Starting 8:00PM EST
- 3 Time slot for games , 7:00PM EST, 8:00 PM EST, and 9:00PM EST
  (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
-5 Minutes each period, including Overtime.
-Pre Season Starts March 20 2021, Season Starts April 2, 2021.
-Win is 2 points, Overtime loss is 1 point,
Overtime goes on until a team scores the winning goal.
Playoff will be played on the weekend with each team playing in their series two games per night
-Winners Prize
Winner: $100 per player
Payment method: Paypal
Draft will take place

Commissioner/Host :Shae7890

Message on discord KHNA#9010 to sign up a team,

Sign Up deadline: March 15 12:00 AM EST


Date: 2021-02-21 07:26:54
sign me up

Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2021-02-20 05:45:58 Read times: 1432