
Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2014-05-21 12:48:26 Read times: 22442

Date: 2014-05-21 12:48:26
What is the best setup for Defence player?

Date: 2014-05-22 11:48:11
Janeks wrote:
What is the best setup for Defence player?

nopietni? Atributes darbojas tikai Experimental room, bet tajas neviens jau paaris gadus nav raadiijies.

Date: 2014-05-22 17:25:16
Pats arii nesmu Kaadus divus gadus seit realities.

Date: 2014-06-19 04:28:26
i wish we could earn attributes like nhl14

Date: 2014-06-22 08:52:51
SAFC wrote:
i wish we could earn attributes like nhl14

In slow to learn game this wouldnt work, as the "oldschools" would have too much benefit against new players. That is what we dont want, NHL games are fairly easy to get into compared to this game.
-3, bad language

Date: 2014-06-25 04:47:00
speed and shot you want to upgrade, your choice though

Date: 2014-06-26 04:02:07
Edited: 2015-01-02 14:07:12
Jope wrote:
SAFC wrote:
i wish we could earn attributes like nhl14

In slow to learn game this wouldnt work, as the "oldschools" would have too much benefit against new players. That is what we dont want, NHL games are fairly easy to get into compared to this game.

well that doesnt apply to NA server as all that matters on NA server is how close you are to server which isolates the entier continent. basicly if you want to enjoy being able to do what you know you can do with a puck…you cant because of ping
      you must live on North east coast of north america in order to be good at this game. skill isnt the problem its ping

just my factual opinon.

(opinion based on facts)

Date: 2014-07-24 03:41:29
Edited: 2014-07-24 03:44:16
Stuffed Animals

Date: 2014-07-25 12:36:55
just my factual opinon.

See this is a very problematic choice of words. If it's just your opinion why is it a fact?

Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2014-05-21 12:48:26 Read times: 22442