
European Hockey League - New Try
Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2014-02-18 03:54:25 Read times: 23227

Date: 2014-02-18 03:54:25
We have decided to try to start the EHL again.
Kiekko is seriously dying and our chances isn't so gooad anymore.
But we would like to try to have this non-finnish league once again, to save those members that are left.

What is EHL?
EHL is the only league for just nonfinnish people. Everyone is welcome, even NA players, if they want to play on the finnish server.

How will the teams be made?

You can sign up here, just send a note to the user EHL and answer following questions:
1. Position?
2. Could you be captain?


Date: 2014-02-18 17:39:06
Edited: 2014-02-18 17:40:03
EHL wrote:
We have decided to try to start the EHL again.
Kiekko is seriously dying and our chances isn't so gooad anymore.
But we would like to try to have this non-finnish league once again, to save those members that are left.

What is EHL?
EHL is the only league for just nonfinnish people. Everyone is welcome, even NA players, if they want to play on the finnish server.

How will the teams be made?

You can sign up here, just send a note to the user EHL and answer following questions:
1. Position?
2. Could you be captain?


c'mon, if it went down twice when people were active then nowadays it is impossible.

only if you allow some finnish players in teams, but then it would loose this league idea.

Date: 2014-02-27 22:35:10
I'm all-in! Let's do this!

Oh and Izy7, instead of complaining about how dead the game is, try to contribute somehow to make the game stick around, that seems to be what you want :)

Date: 2014-03-02 17:20:05
I have made a Facebook Group for EHL, where we will put news, reminders and be able to keep in touch with eachother, so we wont forget about upcoming games.

Feel free to join, for the sake of both EHL and Kiekko!

Date: 2014-03-03 21:25:43
We have decided to try to start the EHL again. EHL is a nonfinnish league, that was one season last year.
Kiekko is seriously dying and we want to do something for the players that still play.

To get enough players we will allow around 8 finnish players. (2/team)
(We will be hard on choosing which finns, that'll be allowed playing in our league)

How will the teams be made?
By draft

You can sign up here, just send a note to the user EHL and:
1. Tell your position
AP, YP or FW


Date: 2014-03-04 13:43:31
Atleast 8 places left.
3 for nonfinns.
5 for finns.

Date: 2014-03-05 00:04:08
The league has got enough signups, And now the draft will start.
Hopefully it will be finnished during the 5th March.

You can follow the draft here

Date: 2014-12-24 15:06:30
Edited: 2014-12-24 15:07:22
How did your league end? was it successful?

Im the boss of European Zealot Hockey League (EHZL) - and it would be very helpful.

We had first season with teams created by captains but now as league ends people talks about wishing try draft model.

I would like to hear your experience.

Created by: Anonymous Created on: 2014-02-18 03:54:25 Read times: 23227