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Käytäjän tiedot

luotu2009-01-06 19:33:36
poistunut kk2010-02-01
more info < 1000


2009-01-06 19:33:36Come


2009-01-06 20:01:35 Chigago Black Hawks
2009-01-10 09:10:54 Excelit
2009-01-11 18:45:29 Outer Continent
2009-01-14 15:46:09 Nurmeksen nuubit
2009-01-15 19:51:49 Attackers
2009-01-16 14:16:33 PerusVilla
2009-01-16 18:36:32 Kiekkojellonat
2009-01-17 20:52:33 Ruskea Norsujoukko
2009-01-18 10:33:52 Team Nukka
2009-01-20 15:09:37 kalsari kingit
2009-01-20 15:49:11 Porkkana Pöksyt
2009-01-21 19:43:39 Arse on ice Hc
2009-01-23 17:16:26 Chicago Stars
2009-01-23 19:40:43 Arcade
2009-01-25 13:35:25 Hornetit
2009-01-27 18:14:59 Team Estrella
2009-01-27 18:30:59 (nimi puuttuu)
2009-01-29 16:11:28 Warriors
2009-01-29 18:09:05 Taustabiisi
2009-01-30 16:29:00 The Faraoes
2009-02-03 15:08:05 Team nuhkis
2009-02-04 20:23:31 Sienivaltakunta
2009-02-06 15:40:08 Kiekkokarhut
2009-02-12 16:37:45 Bassosoolo
2009-02-12 17:49:27 kiekko-mummot
2009-02-12 17:59:47 The North Face
2009-02-14 12:04:16 Canucks
2009-02-19 18:12:26 Polars
2009-03-12 15:08:53 Rainyday
2009-03-22 12:02:10 hc kiekkotähdet
2009-03-22 12:06:25 Atmosphere
2009-03-24 18:42:04 team pro
2009-03-27 21:30:08 varmanakki
2009-03-28 19:22:25 Destroyers
2009-03-29 11:11:02 REINOT
2009-03-31 17:58:50 Hardcore Hockey
2009-03-31 18:30:24 HePa Helsingin palloseura
2009-04-14 20:03:26 Hope
2009-06-12 15:42:30 Masters
2009-09-10 17:13:11 vantaan hurjat kikettäjät