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Käytäjän tiedot

luotu2007-12-09 10:31:23
poistunut kk2009-12-01
more info < 1000


2007-12-09 10:31:23Corolla


2007-12-14 16:18:24 Valley of the damned
2007-12-14 20:18:06 Kymppikerho
2007-12-20 20:17:40 (nimi puuttuu)
2007-12-21 14:28:05 Roskisjengi
2007-12-21 17:24:45 (nimi puuttuu)
2007-12-22 19:14:18 Espanja
2007-12-24 14:20:21 Teurastamo
2008-01-10 17:03:36 MASTER
2008-01-10 20:06:08 Anaheim Mighty Ducks
2008-02-06 12:42:25 Vans
2008-02-13 13:48:39 The Saruyama Alliance
2008-02-20 11:19:58 sotalehmät
2008-02-22 11:56:50 Suprova Wonders
2008-02-23 10:10:38 VKP
2008-03-12 13:36:20 Älykalan talenttiakatemia
2008-06-01 13:02:50 Mansikat
2008-06-13 22:08:52 Hunting Power
2008-07-03 20:58:23 Blackburn Rovers
2008-09-01 20:47:13 Narrit*
2008-10-04 19:50:05 Lätkä Team
2008-12-16 17:57:45 Bolognese
2008-12-25 11:10:45 American Heroes
2008-12-30 22:34:49 Bears*
2009-02-12 18:09:02 NeverBackDown
2009-02-12 18:54:54 Wild West
2009-04-14 20:13:39 San Siro
2009-04-18 21:22:17 Pioneerit
2009-05-21 00:24:32 Klops
2009-05-30 17:15:45 Merikoski
2009-06-14 10:38:12 New York Attackers
2009-07-26 12:12:36 Leafs
2009-08-19 14:30:17 Death Boys