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Käytäjän tiedot

luotu2009-02-14 02:35:33
poistunut kk2010-09-01
more info < 1000


2009-02-14 02:35:33Rosehill
2009-10-03 19:13:25Tucker16


2009-02-16 22:39:10 Seattle Spartans
2009-03-13 00:59:48 CRS Express
2009-03-25 01:22:28 Hershey Bears HC
2009-04-01 01:50:27 Alberta Boyz
2009-04-02 04:04:51 Skate Blades
2009-04-23 03:20:47 San Diego Gulls
2009-04-23 03:32:03 Oceanside Pirates
2009-05-09 23:06:22 The Detroit Redwings
2009-05-12 23:02:41 The Anaheim Ducks
2009-05-19 00:14:21 Chicago HC
2009-05-21 01:46:53 Super-Stars Montreal
2009-06-10 22:56:19 Pacific Coast Academy
2009-06-23 19:24:44 Miami Surge
2009-06-29 22:16:33 Central Snipers
2009-06-30 17:28:26 Brampton Battalion
2009-07-05 22:06:09 Hockey Allstars
2009-07-30 16:06:56 The Philadelphia Flyers
2009-08-11 20:38:41 (nimi puuttuu)
2009-08-14 22:12:17 Snipers HC*
2009-09-13 03:29:59 (nimi puuttuu)
2009-09-20 21:49:56 Hogwarts School
2009-09-23 02:19:31 Cross Fire
2009-10-21 23:27:41 HC hockeystars
2010-06-27 20:07:52 Team JewDanistan
2010-07-05 04:17:31 westernstars
2010-07-08 01:23:57 Montreal Phantoms
2010-07-19 06:22:47 St. Louis Blues
2010-07-29 05:52:09 The Detroit RedWings
2010-07-29 20:01:26 Mario Bros*
2010-08-05 01:59:45 Minnesota Ice Wolves